"CATness club" is a new online difference game, where you can check out your observation skills. It will definitely provide you with a good entertainment and won't leave you indifferent. Everything you need is a little more concentration and attention.
One should always remember, that inside every lazy house cat is a tiger! Previously the protagonist of this free game - fat house cat, all his life was living with his owner. She loved him so much! He was pestered and pampered in every way. He had everything the cat could desire! But who can resist wild hunting instincts? He felt that he was under the influence of the insticts which were more powerful than everything else. So, the cat had got a strong craving for new discoveries. And only then, he understood how much he had lost sitting near his beloved owner. Now he really wants to explore a new interesting world, which he didn´t see before. Of course, he wants to try everything and he is setting off on a journey.
In this cool free online game you are supposed to find 5 differences between each pair of the pictures. Sometimes it's not as easy, as you may think. Mind, that there are no hints in the game, which requires noticing some small details. So, you should rely only on your abilities. Keep in mind, that it's better to avoid too fast clicking. There yummy brownies, as awarding points for you in storage. You can follow the story, spotting differences between images, which is stirring up your interest. This way, you can see the whole story - from the very beginning to the end.
So, in this awesome absolutely free spot-the-difference game you can spend your spare time with pleasure or have a rest in office. Let's join thrilling adventures of the cat, who has turned into real street cat! Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!